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Subject Entry Requirements-Course starting in September 2025

In addition to the requirements below each student will need to achieve a minimum of a Grade 4 in five of their GCSE subjects. Furthermore, to study 4 subjects students should have at least 4 GCSEs at Grade 7 or above.


6 Form Subject (A level/BTEC)

Subject Entrance Minimum Requirements


Art (A level)

GCSE Art grade 5, or subject to portfolio review if a grade 4 is attained or GCSE Art not completed.


Biology (A level)

GCSE Biology grade 6 in Triple Science, or grade 6-6 in GCSE Double Award Science, with GCSE Maths grade 6 and GCSE English (Literature or Language) grade 5.

Business Studies (A level)

GCSE English (Literature or Language) and Maths grade 5. Alternatively grade 6 in Business Studies with a grade 5 in either Maths or English (Literature or Language).

Business Studies (BTEC)

Five 4 - 9 GCSE grades including a minimum of a 4 in GCSE English (Literature or Language) and a minimum of a 4 in GCSE Maths.


Chemistry (A level)

GCSE Chemistry grade 6 in Triple Science, or grade 6-6 in GCSE Double Award Science, with GCSE Maths grade 6.

Computer Science (A level)

GCSE Computer Science grade 5 or if computer Science has not been completed, GCSE Maths grade 6.


3D Design

GCSE Design and Technology grade 5 (except Systems strand). Alternatively, if Design and Technology has not been completed, GCSE Art and Design grade 5 and a portfolio review.

Drama & Theatre Studies (A Level)

GCSE Drama grade 5 and GCSE English Literature grade 5.


Economics (A level)

GCSE English (Literature or Language) and Maths grade 6.

English Language (A level)

GCSE English Language grade 5.

English Literature (A level)

GCSE English Literature grade 6.


Film Studies (A level)

GCSE English Language grade 5, or GCSE English Language grade 4 and English Literature grade 5.

French (A level)

GCSE French grade 6.


Geography (A level)

GCSE Geography Grade 5 or if GCSE Geography has not been studied, grade 6-6 in double science or 2 x grade 6’s from triple science


Health & Social Care (BTEC)

Five 4 - 9 GCSE grades including a minimum of a 4 in GCSE English (Literature or Language).

History (A level)

GCSE History grade 6, or if History has not been completed at GCSE, a GCSE English (Literature or Language) grade 6.


IT Cambridge National

Five 4 - 9 GCSE grades, including a minimum of a 4 in English (Literature or Language) and a minimum of a 4 in Maths


Maths (A level)

GCSE Maths grade 7.

Maths (Level 3 Core)

GCSE Maths grade 5.

Further Maths (A level)

GCSE Maths grade 8.

Media Studies (A level)

GCSE English Language grade 5, or GCSE English Language grade 4 and English Literature grade 5.

Music (A level)

GCSE Music grade 5, or grade 5 ABRSM Music Theory is required. A minimum of Grade 4 standard on your instrument/voice at the start of the course.


Philosophy (A level)

GCSE English (Literature or Language) grade 6.

Physics (A level)

GCSE Physics grade 6 in Triple Science, or grade 6-6 in GCSE Double Award Science, with GCSE
Maths grade 6.

Politics (A Level)

GCSE English grade 5 (Literature or Language) and a grade 5 in a GCSE Humanities Subject (History, Geography or Full Course RE).

Psychology (A level)

GCSE English (Literature or Language) grade 5, with GCSE Biology grade 6 if a student has completed Triple Science, or if a student has completed GCSE Double Award Science grade 6, 6.


Sociology (A level)

GCSE English (Literature or Language) grade 5.