Highams Park School

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Senior Leadership

In an attempt to improve the communication channels between the school and you as parents we have included the e mail addresses of different leaders within the school. By following the links below you will find the details of each of the schools senior leadership team along with their respective responsibilities.

Whilst I hope that you will find this helpful, I would like to stress the following points to ensure that there are clear and shared expectations between all parties:

  • During the day, colleagues are fully occupied in teaching, planning and preparing lessons and dealing with the students. Colleagues will endeavour to acknowledge your e mail within 2 school days of its receipt.
  • If you have an urgent enquiry or are unsure of who is best to address your enquiry to, do please continue to contact the main reception 020 8527 4051 or  who will be able to direct you to the most appropriate colleague.
  • The recipient of your e mail, may well redirect it to more appropriate colleague who will assume responsibility for following up your enquiry.
  • E Mail correspondence, although convenient is often a poor substitute for phone or face to face discussion and colleagues may well make contact with you via these means rather than responding at length via e mail.
  • With over 1600 students in the school you will appreciate the volume of e mail traffic that might be generated by sharing these addresses. We are publishing these contacts as a trial and would appreciate your cooperation in improving lines of communication but also maintaining realistic workloads and expectations of staff.
  • During weekends and holiday periods staff will not be accessing their e mail, so may not be able to respond until they return.
  • Security settings mean that inappropriate or spam like e mails will likely be held in quarantine and never reach the recipient, so reaching out via telephone in the event an e mail goes unacknowledged after 2 school days would be advised.
  • Abusive and/or malicious communications will not be tolerated. Senders of such messages can, and will be traced. Action will follow.

All of my colleagues appreciate that it will be your children who will be the beneficiaries of a coordinated team approach between students and teachers, and we genuinely strive to implement the school motto of “Success through our endeavours”  in every aspect of our work.

Many thanks

Nigel Armsby


Senior Leadership Team

Nigel Armsby Principal slocker-mcgrowder@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Nick Hyde Deputy Principal nhyde@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Angy Osman Deputy Principal aosman@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Tim Morris Vice Principal tmorris@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Danielle Stephens Assistant Principal dstephens@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Liam McDonnell Assistant Principal/Head of 6th Form lmcdonnell@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Neil Tobias Assistant Principal ntobias@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Carl Robinson Assistant Principal/SENCO crobinson@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Tim Jolly Assistant Principal tjolly@highamsparkschool.co.uk
Mark Balaam Assistant Principal mbalaam@highamsparkschool.co.uk 
Jaz Syed Assistant Principal jsyed@highamsparkschool.co.uk
James Lampshire Designated Safeguarding Lead jlampshire@highamsparkschool.co.uk