Highams Park School

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Key Stage 4 

In years 10 and 11, students are set by ability in English, Maths and Science and they receive guidance to enable them to choose four options from a wide range of academic and practical subjects.

Core Subjects

15 of the 25 hours per week are students’ compulsory subjects (the core curriculum).  4 periods of Maths & English and 5 periods of Science.  The core curriculum also contains Critical Minds for 1 period, and 1 period of PE.  Critical Minds contains a variety of wider education, including aspects of RS, Philosophy, RSE, PHSE and wider issues such as knife crime.

Option Subjects

We're proud to offer the broadest KS4 curriculum in Waltham Forest giving students more choices of qualifications than any other school in the borough.  Our curriculum is also balanced, academically challenging, varied and yet allows us to provide a suitable education for the most able, through to those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).  The vast majority of students make 4 subject choices, each option subject has 2½ hrs per week of lessons (5 per fortnight).

Curriculum Intent Documents

Here you will find our ‘intent’ documents.  These set out what content is covered from Year 7 through to Year 13 (where applicable) and also shows how this content is ordered, taking into account the starting point (prior knowledge from primary school) and also how the content links to the ‘next steps’ students will take, whether that is the post-16 or the post-18 transitions.

Specification Links

The links in the table below take you to the exam board specifications for the courses that we run in this Key Stage:


Business Studies (GCSE)

Business Studies (BTEC)

Computer Science



English Language

English Literature

Food & Nutrition



Health & Social Care (BTEC)



Maths Entry Level Certificate

Media Studies


Graphic Products - D&T

PE Studies (GCSE)

BTEC Sport

Religious Studies

Combined Science

Separate Sciences - Biology, Chemistry and Physics



Systems - D&T

Textiles - D&T

Timbers - D&T


We also provide English and Maths functional skills and the ASDAN course (life skills) for those would benefit from this option as one of their 4 ‘option subjects’.  Almost all options subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.