Highams Park School

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We offer a range of SEND interventions. Students are identified as requiring additional intervention for the following reasons:

  • The Intervention is stated in section E of the EHCP
  • Teachers identify a SEND need and follow the 'graduated approach' of 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' as per the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
  • Students reading ages are tested two time per year using the NGRT reading tests. If students are 3 or more years below their chronological age then they will be withdrawn from a non-core subject to complete Bedrock learning. If students are more than one or two years below their chronological age then they are expected to complete accumulate 20 Bedrock points per week form home which equates to 60 minutes of learning. 
  • Our Speech and Language therapist may asses your child and suggest that they take part in our SALT interventions. If this occurs then the Intervention would last 6 weeks and you would receive a final report. Please note that all SALT interventions that are delivered are overseen by our SALT therapist but delivered by our LSA
  • Following an Educational Psychology assessment the EP may suggest a series of interventions. You will be made aware of this via the final written report that the EP publishes. 




