Highams Park School

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In Year Admissions - To join us outside normal admissions round

Applying for a place at Highams Park outside of the normal primary transfer process - "In-year admissions"

Most children remain in the secondary school that they started at when they transferred from their primary school around the age of 11. This is known as the "normal admission round".

Sometimes children look to change their secondary school usually because the family have moved their home. Sometimes parents and children seek a place in another secondary school for other sensible reasons. Changing from one secondary school to another at any other time than the normal transfer from primary school is known as an "in-year admission".

As an Academy the admissions authority for Highams Park School is the Highams Park Academy Trust (the Governing Board of the School), not the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

Therefore as an Academy, In-year admissions are processed and decided upon by the Highams Park Academy Trust NOT the London Borough of Waltham Forest admissions service.

Highams Park Academy Trust considers all "in-year" applications and if there is a place available a child can be admitted. Highams Park is however, very popular and generally full, but occasionally places become available in the various year groups when a pupil leaves. Once your completed application has been received, the school will endeavour to have an answer for you within 2 school weeks.

If you want an "in-year" admission place then you must apply directly to Highams Park School, NOT the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

To find out more, or to request a hard copy form to be sent to you:

Call the Admissions Secretary on 020 8527 4051 or
Email admissions@highamsparkschool.co.uk.

Or download our In-Year Application Form