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Year 11 Results

Highams Park students continue to receive outstanding results

Following on from the outstanding results that were achieved last week by Year 13 students, Highams Park is very pleased that Year 11 students continue to achieve outstanding results in their Level 2 qualifications. Highams Park continued to achieve high levels of attainment, with 30% of all GCSE entries awarded at grades 9 to 7 and 77% of all GCSE entries awarded 9 to 4, both of which were well above the national averages and a significant improvement on the results achieved in 2023. This is alongside improved levels of progress for the vast majority of subjects and students. 

Overall, 285 8-9 grades were received across the Year 11 cohort this year. This is well above that achieved by the previous cohort in 2023, which is a particularly impressive display from the current Year 11 students at Highams Park School. 12 students received all grades 9-7 in across their results, with Audrine Shaw and Aleks Semkov securing a straight set of Grades 8-9 in all of their different subject areas. In addition, the BTEC qualifications undertaken at Highams Park also had some impressive results too, with the number of Distinctions and Distinction* grades increasing significantly from the previous year, highlighting the depth of the curriculum on offer and the wide variety of different pathways that students can take during their studies at Highams Park. This is all alongside data showing that the majority of Year 11 students at Highams Park School were making above expected progress in relation to their target grades across their subjects. The vast range of subjects that students achieved these top grades in shows the depth of high-quality teaching that students experienced at Highams Park.  

We are delighted, as ever, with the progress that that students have made over the course of their 5 years with us. Joshua Austin, Krisina Alexander and Yasser Maait are to be congratulated on achieving a whole grade higher on average across all of their subjects compared to similar students nationally which is a superb achievement. All of our students who have achieved above their targets deserve particular praise for their achievements, which come from a combination of student self-discipline, strong parental support and dedicated teacher input throughout their secondary school careers.  

Nigel Armsby, Principal of Highams Park School was extremely impressed with the results achieved by the Year 11 cohort, and said that “Our Year 11 students have once again achieved extremely impressive results across their subjects.  We are continuously proud of the hard work that our students put in to ensure that they are making expected progress. Their dedication and resilience are admirable, and it is pleasing that so many students are continuing onto their first choice post-16 destination, with a majority choosing to stay at Highams Park for Sixth Form”.  

As a result of the excellent results achieved by Year 11, Highams Park is very pleased that a majority of their Year 11 students have chosen to remain at our outstanding Sixth Form for their A level and BTEC Level 3 studies. It was great that the number choosing to enrol in the Sixth Form has increased massively on last year, with over 200 students choosing to study at Highams Park for their Level 3 studies. This is in addition to a large number of students from other schools both within and beyond Waltham Forest choosing to come to Highams Park to experience the broad curriculum that is on offer in the Sixth Form.