Core Values

The core values expressed below sum up the spirit of the school
We aim to:
- Remain a fully comprehensive mixed 11-18 local school providing a broad and balanced curriculum;
- Ensure high standards of work, behaviour, dress and achievement for all students;
- Develop cheerful, hard working, honest and well behaved, fit and healthy young adults;
- Ensure a safe learning environment where all are valued;
- Ensure equality of opportunity for all;
- Produce people willing and able to play an active and positive role in a rapidly changing world;
- Develop students' sense of respect for themselves and others;
- Provide opportunities for students to develop their own spiritual and moral capacities;
- Promote students’ appreciation of their own and other cultures;
- Encourage students to accept their responsibilities to themselves, the school, the local and wider communities;
- Continue to develop as an important part of the local community;
- Develop continually as an organisation committed to learning for students, staff and the local community.
Mission statement
At Highams Park we all work together to ensure all students and staff have the opportunity to achieve their personal best both educationally and morally. We aim to enable students to have responsibility for taking their place successfully in a diverse and ever changing society. We encourage and promote mutual respect for each other, hard work and personal resilience all set within a stimulating educational environment.
This vision is captured in the school motto:
‘Success through our endeavours’